Outdoor wall light is the most important element of your outdoor safety. Today, LED lights are the most popular choice for home and garden exterior lighting because of the many benefits they offer, such as increased visibility and low energy use.
The tips on how to buy outdoor wall light
1. Consider your property (size & style)
The first step in the process of buying outdoor wall light is to consider how you want the your home or garden to look. Is it important to you that your home or garden looks good no matter the hour? Or is low-maintenance a priority? No matter what shape, size or style of property you have, there are outdoor lights designed for any style, including fountains and ponds.
2. Consider what time of year it is.
The time of year and climate where you live are important factors when choosing outdoor wall light for your property. For example, if you live in the South where it seldom gets cold, you may not need light that’s designed for winter. If you live in Maine, though, you’ll probably want light designed for year-round use.
3. Consider how much maintenance is required
Once you’ve considered your property and time of year, consider just how much work you’re willing to put into keeping your outdoor wall light functioning properly. With so many different kinds of lights to choose from – from solar power to those that need electricity — choosing the right one depends on a number of factors. You’ll want to consider where and how much shade the area receives as well as what wind conditions exist at that location.
4. Know the lighting laws in your area
In addition to zoning and covenants, there are lighting regulations that apply to outdoor wall light installations in many states. The process of getting a permit may take several weeks and may include submitting photos of your house or garden, as well as having an electrician install the lights and test them to make sure they work properly. Keep in mind that different cities have different lighting laws, so be aware of what needs to be done before you make an installation decision.